Electronic business Problem

The Internet greatly increases the ease of accessing, reproducing, and transmitting information.

Many governments and regulatory bodies in Asia are starting, or have started to, recognize the

economic potential of electronic commerce and are considering a number of policy initiatives

designed to encourage the development of electronic commerce.

We have to mention that this ease raises a host of legal issues including the risk of copyright

infringement, the protection of patent rights, and the validity and enforcement of agreements

entered into via the medium of the Internet.

Goverments of many countries in Asia moved with initiatives include attempts to overlook to

existing laws to deal with the emerging legal issues that electronic commerce raises.

Conflict of law issues is becoming increasingly evident that the process of mapping existing legal

concepts and tools into this new domain is not effective and number of familiar legal concepts

will need to be reengineer before they can be efficiently usefull in the new environment.


Two days ago based on the events on Egypt, I think about “Freedom of Speech", I found amazing Terms and condition in Blogger website that is:

“Blogger is a free service for communication, self-expression and freedom of speech but there are some boundaries for context. When you sign in, you should announce that you are agreeing with content policy."(www.blogger.com)

After that, I decided to have a comparison between this expression which I found it in many websites with the facts which I saw as a freedom of speech in cyberspace until now; but I found that these kind of freedom of speech in cyberspace is not really exist in our society and I think everybody knows that these kind of freedom is not 100 percent. One of the reasons which support my opinion is the expression of Wikipedia as a reliable source:

"Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation, or both. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech".
The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression". Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law."(http://en.wikipedia.org)

1 world

From the first post of this weblog we found that we can find and deduct technology in new payment technologies which let us having business between different places; But the problem exactly arise from here.

Usually there are many differences between the ISP’s, places which the servers are located in reality and from the place which users have accesses to the Internet and committed a crime and nobody can find exactly the geographic of the place which crime happened and in the other hand, the problem comes from different countries and different laws and courts .It means there are several jurisdictions involved in the case.

It is a fact and there is no doubt that we cannot stop the development of new payment technologies in order to fight crimes such as money laundering. As a result we need to find another way to prevent and fight money laundering in the cyberspace. In other words, I think it is better we need to learn the causes of cyberlaundering and find a complete and powerful law which all the countries of the world respect to that and use of that in all courts in order to fight with cyberlaundering efficiently or control it.

Threats and Implications of Cyber Terrorism

The potential for mass destruction as a result of cyber terrorism is a serious concern in the modern world. Cyber terrorists have at their disposal a wide variety of tactics they can use to injure their targets. Computers are an integral part of modern life in the world. However, with this technology has come a threat of its use as a weapon of terrorism. Cyber terrorists use a variety of tactics to cause fear and panic in others. Their motives are often to simply create terror, although money also motivates cyber terrorists to attack.

Cyber terrorists use many different methods ranging in complexity. Each terrorist group has a different agenda and can tailor the tool they use to fit their goals. The effects of a cyber terrorism attack could be widespread and very detrimental to life as we know it. Cyber terrorism ranges from hacking into a computer and destroying it to spreading viruses in order to obtain information. Cyber terrorists can infect many computers with viruses that can destroy a computer or just damage certain components. They also can plant Trojan horses, which a executable that can allow a remote user to control the computer, collect personal information and passwords, or destroy a hard drive. Another common method is placing worms, a program which can spread itself, on a machine or a network. Often these tactics are accomplished through email or other network vulnerabilities.

One of the worst aspects of cyber terrorism is the amount of potential economic impact to the target in proportion to the low cost to the terrorist of initiating an attack. The financial costs to the economy include the loss of intellectual property and trade secrets, fraud, productivity losses. This is not including intangible losses such as damage to reputation and lost opportunity costs. A single virus can cause widespread injury and huge financial losses. The Love Bug Virus was estimated to have caused losses of between three and fifteen billion dollars. In comparison, hurricane Andrew, the most expensive natural disaster in history, cost around eleven billion dollars.

Web: New weapon for Terrorists

Based on the recently researchs which published in FBI official website, The use of the Internet by terrorists has increased in the past nine years and the number of websites operated by terrorist organizations has increased from 12 in 1998 to more than 4,800 today.

After a search on the Internet and reading articles about cyber terrorism, I find that terrorists use the Internet in some areas like data mining, networking with a wrong purpose, mobilization, the distribution of online manuals and instructions, planning for their target and try to have a corporation with other terrorists. They draw information from personal and government sites and communicate with others through e-mail and chat rooms. Based on some reports one of the major way which terrorists most of the time relies on that is the process of hiding data inside other data, for instance, hiding the map of a targeted building in a digital song file.

Now the question is that what is the solution?
Based on all of these assumption, government organizations find a way for hyper computers to remain safe,reliable and trustable. They isolated defense and intelligence computers and physically not connected them to the Internet. In the other hand, businesses and individuals protect their computers through firewalls

Cyber terrorism

When I read articles which are related to cyber terrorism, I found that behind legal ways which we can prevent crimes in cyber spaces ,at this time there are some ways to protect a system completely which can never be accessed by anyone. Most of the governmental and military information is kept on secure databases (software) with no outside connection, to prevent any act which in case happens as a cyber terrorism act. Beside of these kinds of isolation, the major way which is certified by scientists for safe procedure of protection is encryption. Encryption is that it does not protect the entire system, an attack designed to disable the whole system, such as a virus, is unaffected by encryption.

Other way is the use of firewalls to screen all communications to a system, including e-mail

messages. Firewall is a common and familiar term for methods of filtering access to a network.

They may come in the form of a computer, router other communications device or in the form of

a network configuration. One method is to screen user requests to check if they come from a

previously defined domain or Internet Protocol (IP) address. Another method is to prohibit

Telnet access into the system.

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