Nowadays, countries information services base on new improvements in technology and globalization phenomenon have seen and understood the change from army competition to global economic competition and have prepaid the shift in their intelligence collection requirements accordingly for covering the cyberspace economic espionage that is one of the major concept in economic competition .

According to the FBI, China is currently linked to about a third of all cyberspace economic espionage cases. due to the severity of the threat the FBI increased the number o agents working on countering alleged Chinese espionage from 150 agents in 2001 to more than 350 agents as of summer 2007[1].

In other case according to japan's largest daily newspaper, Japanese authorities revealed on February 3, 1998, that Russian agents have conducted extensive industrial and cyberspace economic espionage to collect technical information during the last decade. Similar reports have appeared about the other developed country intelligence services that seeking to have access to information of other developed country industries.

Now the question is that these types of threats come from whom?
There are too many occasions that these threats come from, which in continue I am going to explain them.

Most organizations recognize that the main threat to security information of their industry as coming from outside the organization.
The main outsider threats come from company-to-company cyber attacks launched by economic competitors.



[1] Lewis. e. Jonathan (2008), The economic espionage act and the threat of chinese espionage in the united states